I do not use that ficticous name or the name Jesus. Research shows when the name "JEHOVAH" was inserted into the KJ bible there was no "J" in the Hebrew language and oddly enough there was no "J" in the english language either. Both names Jehovah and Jesus are fictious names. Even the WTBT$ knows this. Read the forward in the KIT and they admit they used the name JEHOVAH because it was "POPULAR" . Go figure, an organization who claims to represent the Most High, can't even get that right!!! So my question is: If Jehovah is NOT gods name, than WHO did we really pray to? Please read ISAIAH 12: 12-14
We still pray but use the Hebrew names. That's all I have to say about that.
Affectionately: Brother of the Hawk ( I will surrender my mind no more, forever)